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Dark King of Horror Page 3
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Page 3
“Are you gonna walk out through that door, leaving me in this cold? I need some massaging in my pussy you know dude,” the guttural voice cut through his heart again. This time around it was searing than the previous encounter. A tiny smoke escaped from the corpse’s nostrils and encircled Larry from head to toe before he could leave. Without delay, images of unimaginable pleasures clouded his mind.
Since he couldn’t resist the urge he felt so strange now as the energy had usurped his sense of reasoning already, he smuggled the corpse out through the back door and stuffed it in his car. While he drove off, different thoughts kept coming to her heart. He took a swig from the bottle of alcohol lying on the seat beside him. Larry’s heart began to pulsate uncontrollably. Trying not to get stopped by the police, he did all he could to maintain his speed level at a hundred and twenty.
In no distance, his telephone began to vibrate in the dark corner of the jeans trouser, shaking his leg to its foundation. He scrambled for it in his pocket with his right hand while his left rested on the wheel and his eyes stayed glued to the road.
Larry answered the call. “Hello?”
“Mister Larry?” A man’s croaky voice said. “I hope you have not left the morgue?”
Surprised, Larry took her eyes off the road, removed the phone from his ears, and checked to see the caller’s name again only for him to see Private. When he checked his wrist-watch, he wondered why someone would call her up strangely like this at 2:00 A.M. Nobody had ever called him at that oddest hour of the night before. He felt someone must have been trailing him. That alone planted trepidation in him the more.
“This is the security, mister. I got in minutes ago, and when I went for routine check, the back door was left ajar. Some voices were heard from within, but since it’s outside my jurisdiction, I can’t question them.”
Larry still felt worried at what the caller said. The door I shut was opened? He eyes went back to the road. When he looked up to the rear mirror, he saw the corpse, stuffed in the car, sit upright. Swiftly, he stepped on the brake pad to bring the vehicle to a standstill in the middle of the road, when the night had gone past midnight. Were it to be noon, accident would have been unavoided. That even almost made him hit his head on the wheel he grabbed firmly.
After the black sedan car had come to a halt, he slowly turned his neck to confirm what his eyes had seen. To his surprise, the corpse had been properly arranged back to its former position, sleeping and looking unperturbed on the car’s seat.
On getting home, Larry went straight to the basement to check the place out, after parking his car in the garage. He quickly went back to his car, looked around should there be anybody trailing him. And after about sixty seconds, with nobody coming down his lane, he lifted up to his shoulder the corpse and went straight to his basement. With the speed in his movement, he almost tripped over, when he unintentionally hit his right foot on a large tin of paint on the floor.
“Larry? Is that you?” Jim, his neighbor, who occupied the floor above his, inquired to know what the sound was in Larry’s basement.
“Jim! It’s I. I came home to grab few things. I should be heading out soon. Sorry for making you wake up so early,” Larry replied as speckles of sweat gathered on his face, while searching for the best place to put the corpse. Eventually, he found a spot hidden away from people’s sight. Without a second thought, one of his abandoned mattresses was spread.
Gently, he placed the dead woman on the mattress; he unbuttoned his shirt in a jiffy, being under the influence of hypnotism, wiped off the sweat from his face, and as his hands pushed down his zip, a knock from his front door scared him off. Looking up, he wondered who that person that had interrupted his about to happen pleasure, could be. He dragged his trouser and went to answer the door.
“I was just taking a walk around the neighborhood before I saw this shimmering light from your apartment, which was unusual at this hour of the day. I told myself, ‘why don’t you check on your old buddy and see if both of you could still grab some wine to drink together?’ So, here I am. What’s ya ass doing up here this hour of the day when those corpses are laying there solitarily?” Saunders said with a sheepish smile while his eyes kept roving around the room behind Larry.
When Larry saw that, he rapidly shut the door behind him. Smiling wistfully, he said, “I’m home to grab few of things I left behind. I’ll soon be away. Very thoughtful of you. See you later in the day.” As Larry turned to go back to his unfinished project, Saunders’ words halted his movement and his pulse inflated.
“You’ve got some corpse in your basement?”
“What?” Larry pretended not to have heard the security officer clearly. He cast an inquisitive look at Saunders.
“Corpse! Basement! Yes, spill the beans,” Saunders seemed serious as he carried a frown on his face.
“No—I—I—well, I think….” As Larry was still stuttering, Saunders burst out laughing so loud that were the look on Larry a gun, the officer’s blood would’ve purify everywhere.
“I was just pulling your legs. I saw nothing dude!” Saunders opened up and walked away. After walking a few meters away from Larry, he shouted without looking back, “Meet you in the alehouse for our renewed war on bottles in the day!”
“You’re so full of crazy thought,” Larry hissed as he shouted back at him. Turning to leave, he placed his hand on his chest and dragged it down, assuring himself that all would be well.
Prior to his return to the basement, the cloth with which the dead woman was wrapped in had been removed, revealing the corpse’s well-shaven vagina, and the firm bosoms that stood erect on its chest. Turned on immediately, he forgot he’d wrapped it before leaving to answer the door, which drew his attention away.
Without delay, his trouser went off, not exempting his shirt. He grabbed his prick and stroked it so fast that it stood erect. Gliding his dick in and out of the corpse, after he had flung her thigh open, he moaned softly with one hand over his mouth. Sweating profusely, he continued moaning while he kept plunging himself inside of the still corpse. The whole place reverberated when he came in the long run. He rolled over to a side with his eyes facing the sky.
Larry groaned. Tonight’s pleasure- an embalmer slept with a corpse- had crossed his mind should that make the front page of the dailies. Most likely, his fame would spread rapidly like bonfire.
“I’m sorry,” Larry whispered. “I never mean to take advantage of you without your consent.”
Sitting up now, Larry looked lost at the dead woman beside him. Despite the symbol, which he didn’t understand scribbled on her chest, he remained undisturbed. However, what worried his heart more was the images from his past. He saw his own figure walking alone in the dark with none beside except for the torch and his shadow that trailed him. Seeing there would be a way out at the end of the tunnel was a great delight to him. Before he could get there, rocks fell in their numbers and prevented him from getting close to the exit, where laughter seemed to be coming from. Dejectedly, he sat down and sobbed silently with his head buried on his knee caps.
Back home, Larry was accosted by his mother, who never remarried despite being left alone by her only son’s father- a stranger he never knew his family. Owing to what she had been through, she banned her son from associating with people in the neighborhood.
“Larry, is that you?” Eve inquired to know after she heard footsteps tip-toeing in the one-room apartment she labored hard to rent.
“Yessum!” Young Larry answered her mum timidly while wiping the stream of tears flowing down his cheek.
Eve came out and beheld what Larry was doing. She got out, and having sighted his stained cloth, asked him annoyingly, “You’ve gone out to play with your mates again?”
Larry remained muted with her face downcast knowing well that another word from him would definitely be unpleasant as it stood. His attempt to also walk out on her mother was greeted with stern reaction.
�How many times will I tell ya never walk out on me in a middle of something?” She continued with a bit of agitation reflecting in her voice.
“Every time mom—I’m sorry mom,” he said this with his eyes glued to the floor while his hands fondled the zip of his track suit.
“Now, get your ass in there. I ain’t see no tears in your eyes. You ain’t those weakling of a kid down the street you know that? And remember, no stepping outta there again!” Eve said with a tone of finality.
It’s always been her habit to scare him off playing with other kids in the hood. Though Larry didn’t like this, he had no option other than to accept his fate the way it was. Eve’s reason was that other kids would make her son prone to germs and bad influences. Never was he for once allowed to mix with the hood.
Larry saw how he was guilt-tripped as an opportunity to gain access to other things his lustful mind longed after. Other teenagers’ sexual exploration became a forbidden kingdom to him, and no friend was also allowed to keep his company. In no time, his mind drifted towards pornographic contents so as to quell his sexual urge.
The more he did this; he became addicted to the extent that his heart grew to become endeared to stronger and more violent pornographies, where most times, the women would be beaten severely, after being chained and forced to have sex with several men at the same time.
On one occasion, being carried away with stroking his penis, his mother caught him red-handed in that state and she was shocked to have seen her son reduced to what he feared most. In that devastated state, she did the unimaginable. Seeing me there, he was shocked that he couldn’t pull up his trouser. His already standing prick kept descending till it shrank to its small size.
“Is this what you want? Come on, be a man and stop looking at those them little boy things,” Eve angrily spoke to her son and yanked off her clothes, revealing to him her breasts and vagina.
Completely humiliated by this, Larry rose up and pushed his mother so hard against the wall. The weirdest thing happened to him after he had seen his mother’s neatly shaved pussy and pointed bosoms like that of the ones he’s used to seeing online. His erection stood at attention immediately.
Plunged in this state of dilemma, knowing not what next to do, instinct misguided him as he hit his mother over the head with the flower vase that rested on the table beside his bed. Eve slumped to the ground and while she lay there in her unconscious state, Larry on the double began to stroke his penis again, which in no time became so hard that he began to glide in and out of his mom. In that precise moment, he had his first sexual encounter. He came so mightily that after filling up to the brim his mother, the floor was still littered.
The next morning after the unfortunate incident, Eve, shamefacedly, acted like nothing happened the night before; its discussion was also never brought up again. Several months later, Larry woke up only to find his mom dead in their bathroom bathtub, after she had sliced both of her wrists, thereby losing so much blood. A letter was neatly placed on the cistern. On the body of the cistern was an inscription READ ME! written with Eve’s blood. Larry picked it, opened and read.
“All you did should be blamed on me. I tied around my waist as an apron unnecessarily. Deem it fit to forgive me for making you commit such an incestuous act. The mere thought of carrying my son’s baby will make me regret for the rest of my life even as I depart from you. Learn more from my diary.” Tears dripped, with nobody to stop it, from his eyes.
A few weeks later, Larry decided he’d have to leave their apartment and go and squat with a friend in another city. While ransacking his mother’s clothes, having made the decision to prevent what he did from haunting his soul down, a diary fell off his hand. The brown leather-bound diary seemed familiar to him with the grin that grew on his brow. After a cursory look at the diary, he thought of where he had seen it before. My Mom!
“What’s that ya hiding from me?” He asked wittingly as he got back home from school with a smile on his face and crept in on his mother stealthily.
“Not a business that concerns you. And what’s school like today, Larry?” Eve responded as she quickly opened the drawer to hide her diary.
“In good light as it’s been always,” he walked in with his head drooped down as he dropped his backpack on the sofa.
While Eve was in the kitchen, trying to make ready their supper, Larry walked quietly across the room to his mother’s reading table. And as he opened the drawer, he saw the diary. He was about to pick it up and began to read when a slight cough startled him.
“At least, you should know that prying into other people’s privacy is a sin.” She said softly.
“I’m sorry mom,” Larry replied his mother and walked away looking disappointed.
Back to the room where he stood, with the diary still in his hand, he felt it was now the right time for him to know the content on the diary without being scolded by anybody. He flung it open as he rested his butt on the bed to digest all that was written therein.
“Dear son,
Reading this would imply I’m long gone despite leaving so many things undone. We never had the kind of relationship a mother can boast of with her son, except for that despicable act. My life had suddenly become a shadow of itself. This didn’t begin now. It started way back.
I’d always had it rough with all the sons of Adam I’ve encountered in the journey of life. And that’s why I never wanted you to mix up with their breed so as not to become an ogre.
The bad luck I had had with men started with my father. Each time I misbehave or reported to have misbehaved, I would receive the beating of my life that should make me turn a new leaf, but unfortunately, that made me become more hardened. Sometimes, I’d even get into trouble so as to be physically punished by the man I called my father. Since then, the world had been s cruel place to domicile in and my thoughts were: ALL MEN WERE EVIL AND SHOULD BE HATED,” Larry paused and having discovered that tears had already welled up in his eyes, he wiped it off quickly to continue reading.
“Several heartbreaks from my tissue, veins and blood did I encounter. The one to whom my virginity was given broke my first trust, after snatching it without my consent. All these experiences taught my heart that real love only existed as fairy tales that can never be true.
An unforgettable incident that gave birth to you happened one day. Having had too many to drink at a bar, owing to my depressed state, I had sex with some man in my state of drunkenness. With no condom used, you were planted in me that night. I’d have terminated you but had to keep you: a decision I took out of pain.
Since I have no college education, I had to go work as a waitress during the pregnancy phase. I get to work so late, always drunk as well. I kept the job because I also became a sexual objectification for the restaurant’s manager. At times, a blow job will he require to satisfy him, while some other time, a rough sex will he demand in the kitchen that would put a smile on his face, even if I had to go for weeks writhing in pain.
By the time you became part of my life fully, my resentment for all men, even little boys, had skyrocketed. I told myself, ‘they need to be controlled, punished and be taught how to behave,’ I raised you in that manner: a twisted and hateful mind toward your sex. I did all I could to isolate you from every other person to avenge myself of all I’ve been made to go through.
Being mine alone, I decided that nobody, not school, not the law, not the government, not the society would corrupt and turn you into a man-monster. I ensured this, though you absorbed it in a different light.
For all the freedom, I denied you, I’m so sorry. It wouldn’t have been my joy watching you grow into the being I loathed with passion. I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me for erring this much. I know you’d be great. Just follow the lead of your act.
Your lovely mom,
Larry pulled the letter close to his chest to the extent that the words almost escaped from the papers and bec
ame enshrined in his heart. He kept weeping as he collapsed to the floor with his head buried in his palms. Angered at himself, he threw the ornament near him away.
“Mom, I’m sorry! I never knew all these,” he sobbed and lay flat on the bed and before you know it, he had fallen asleep.
Sergeant Brad Cooper, the detective from the Criminal Department, entered the morgue with some league of people trooping in like flowing water behind him. He had his nose covered, preventing the offensive odor oozing out from the place. His look spoke of unhappiness as he walked around observing if there would be a sign left behind to link the missing corpse to the culprit. With gloves on his hands, he crouched on the spot where the dead woman used to lay. He seemed to have seen something that caught his interest as he picked up a tiny twine, which Larry saw afar off, and wondered what it could be. He was quite uncomfortable.
“Can I get the footage of events that happened here 72 hours ago?” He inquired from the person in charge of the CCTV camera.
“None is erected in the morgue, sir,” Tony whispered.
“Because of all these….” Tony pointed at the naked women.
“And now that one out of them is missing, you don’t seem to think it’s necessary to have one up here?” Brad continued checking for what could be evidence that will be used to nab the culprit. Pointing to all of the workers, he said, “All of you here are suspects until proven otherwise.”
“Sir!” Tony said stuttering.
“Yes! And I hope you’ll say something sensible this time around?”
“The only footage that could be made available is that of the back door,” Tony said emphatically.
Upon hearing this, Larry’s mind skipped a beat. If Brad were to have been so close to Larry, he would’ve concluded that the latter carried out the despicable act.